“Just-In-Case” Clutter

If you find yourself keeping lots of things “just in case” it can be a warning sign of clutter causing patterns.

Change that pattern by being intentional about every item in your space and having the courage to acknowledge if there is no longer a good reason to keep something. 

How to put Just-In-Case clutter to the test:

#1. The ‘Be Specific’ Test

Ask yourself, “Just in case of what?”

Reality Check #1. How likely is that to happen?


#2. The Time Test

Ask yourself, “How long am I willing to wait for that to happen?”

Reality check #2. Will you be able to find it if/when you need it?


#3. The Consequences Test

Ask yourself, “What is the most likely consequence of decluttering this item?”

Reality Check #3. – Think of some ways you could handle it if you unexpectedly need it again.


You are a resourceful, creative human.  Think about all the situations you’ve already handled in your life; will you be able to handle the chance that you need that item again?  It might be uncomfortable, but it will be manageable.

In the meantime, your home and life will be clearer and calmer without all those “I might need it one day” items. Giving everything in your home a purpose and a place will go a long way towards being clutter free.

For regular hints and inspiration follow Calm Space on socials!


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